Rabu, 17 Juni 2009


One note from the UN Conference for Climate Change (UNCCC) in Bali in December 2007 ago is the desire of developing countries to get environmentally friendly technology transfer in order to successfully participate in emissions reduction in order to prevent global warming. Developed countries are reluctant to grant the request with the reason that there is technology on the business of investment research has been protected with patents. Therefore, technology transfer business is business dealings with the corporation who have them.

The question now, what technology including environmentally friendly, and all of that business is business?

Technology-friendly environment (eco-friendly-technology) can be summarized as are all types of application technologies that can satisfy users with the resources that the environment is lower. Before ecological awareness arises, people just think the economy. The technology applied is the cheapest from the economic angle, use of natural resources and human resources even though the cheap from the point of ecology may be considered expensive. This is because the economic system are still rare rate environment with a reasonable price. For example, the value of oxygen that we hirup or environmental value of the air we cemari with waste gas? An engine that suck up more oxygen to the work of the same, is ecologically more expensive, although may be economically cheaper. This is because the oxygen is reduced to be used by any other organism - including humans.

In general, technology, environment-friendly technology is the sparing of the environment (includes materials, raw materials, energy and space) and, therefore, is also a little out of waste (whether solid, liquid, gas, noise and radiation) and low risko cause disaster. We will see examples of these technologies focus on the development of national Iptek:


The pattern of consumption is the most vegetarian-friendly environment. Vegetable material from the same, if consumed directly, humans have seven-fold if the nutrition of the vegetable material used to feed livestock that consumed his flesh.

Kitchen modern usage of low energy (eg microwave oven) also is more environmentally friendly. Similarly refrigerator CFC-free. CFC is a destroyer in the atmosphere ozone layer.

Food problem is also closely related to the waste. Food packaging is practical, durable and have advantages in marketing. However much the actual package and not over-friendly environment.

When this waste is the largest sector of the food. Waste processing technology, both in the separation, recycling and demolition is clearly needed when the large volume of waste. But of course better if the waste can be avoided by changing the pattern to the food packaging container re-use. In this case, the technology to destroy waste bioproses can be seen more environmentally friendly than chemical technology.

Biotechnology is expected to include help find superior seeds resistant to pests and drought on the same land can produce more food in a shorter time. However, various transgenic manipulation to create fear apart akan emergence of new species in the long term it is not environmentally friendly.


Solar energy is the energy terramah environment. Compared with a machine dryer, laundry stove in the blazing sun friendly environment, only need to design a practical laundry just does not make an impression and slums. They also heat water for bathing with the water season. If in large numbers and kept the need for solar-collector with tankinya. The technology is simple and cheap, but it could save enough electricity or gas, especially for the hospitality.

With the proper ventilation system, design of buildings we can save lighting and air conditioning. Moreover, if we adjust the style of clothing. In Indonesia, this style of clothing that mimics latah colonizers: to use our official event jacket and tie, then that does not mugginess, we set the AC "sedingin poles", as if we maintain PINGUIN there. We need to look in the mirror with our colleagues peer tropical regions such as Thailand or the Philippines, the duty officer uniform form necked T-shirt!

In Germany and Japan which have high environmental awareness of many eco-house developed that integrate various functions of the home the most. Wall outside berselimut Rambat plants. Layered roof solar panels. Water and air be thought out, such as a water heater room and bath can be used limbahnya used menggelontor feces. Septic-tank produce methan gas that can be used to add energy to the kitchen.

Hospital in Berlin that Germany berselimut plants.

Indicators solar cell on an office in Kobe, Japan. Solar cell to 0.59 KW/m2

Solar panels in the world, the project GAIA in Japan

Previously, nuclear energy was seen as environmentally friendly energy, because it does not produce emissions. However, this opinion has now changed. PLTN mensisakan nuclear materials transportation problems and the final disposal of waste which is very high for berresiko environment.

Which is now encouraged biofuel technology with excellent micro-algae that can potentially produce 58,000 liters of oil / hectare (10x oil palm). Unfortunately the technology is still saved developed countries, although Indonesia is a tropical sea, and many are potentially develop.


Means of transportation is environmentally friendly, of course, is the bicycle! Has been developed bicycle which is very efficient in terms of energy, even with a solar panel to absorb solar energy. Such a bike can be used through a distance of thousands of kilometers.

For a slightly heavier burden on a flat field, and sloppy gig was also environmentally friendly. However, for long-distance giant and burden, of course, electric trains more environmentally friendly. Electricity can be raised at the center of Center Power Water, Hot Earth or the like. Vehicles such as public bus is also more environmentally friendly than private cars. More friendly if you use more electricity baterei. In Switzerland is 20 years old used electric bus with a trailer baterei small, that if approached easily be replaced with empty, full, pending the re-fill the blank.

For individual motorized transportation, electric cars more environmentally friendly than regular cars. The problem, in the capacity baterei save energy at this time was still not as much as gasoline in the same weight. Baterei optimal value of this new use will be achieved if the fuel cell (fuel-cell), where the energy stored in the separated water (electrolysis) to hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen-oxygen reaction will result in energy waste is very large with a water back. However, fuel cell technology is currently still very expensive (the market is not yet eligible).

Currently, the new electric cars are limited in use at the airport or the hospital. However, some car industry has launched a hybrid car (eg Toyota Prios), which berpenggerak electricity and gasoline. When jammed, the engine power to work. At optimal speed, gasoline engine will take over. If slowed, energy gasoline engine is used to fill baterei.

At the simple level, a lot of innovation can also be used in ordinary vehicles. For example, a tool that can be installed to optimize combustion. Race car manufacturer also developed a "3-liter-cars" - cars with 3 liters of gasoline can travel 100 km distance.

The sea also developed a more modern ships, friendly environment, ie, using the engine and mechanical screen at once! This screen can be developed automatically if the wind direction and speed of benefit. The use of wind energy can save fuel up to 50%.

Technology, energy and environment-friendly transport, including that at this time protected by the most advanced industrial countries and therefore the most expensive.

modern ship with mechanical display

Information and Communication

Electronic communications is a very friendly environment if applied correctly. Telecom will reduce the need for transportation, energy efficient means. Information can also be deployed without a paper (paperless) will reduce the number of trees that must ditebang.

Technology of paper recycling efforts also include the environment-friendly in the information sector. In this case, awareness of the living wait for a publisher. If in India, the publishers would compete to use the white paper so impressed lux, overseas industrious developed recycled paper. It seems to print the novel Harry Potter 7, and 32 developed a new type of recycled paper. Publishers in Canada to use recycled paper 100%, while the United States in the new 30%. The efforts have made this edition of the English novel is to save thousands of nearly 200 trees and 8 million kg of greenhouse gases.


Thus, when there is a strong desire, which is actually a lot can be done by the state or society developing countries to make their country more environmentally friendly, without having to wait for mercy or debt transfer technology from developed countries, which is generally attributed some political terms, the terms of the nuances of colonization.

Technology patented by the industry in developed countries also, after 20 years akan habis patennya, and can be imitated and further developed by anyone. Scientists, researchers and engineers developing countries should be more proactive, creative and not pasrah on the situation, or is even proud to be employees or just cheap labor for industry of developed countries.

So not true when all business affairs. Technology transfer problem is a matter of persistence developing countries to seize the technology and the intention to share the country forward.
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We'll use your suggestion to improve translation quality in future updates to our system. One note from the UN Conference for Climate Change (UNCCC) in Bali in December 2007 ago is the desire of developing countries to get environmentally friendly technology transfer in order to successfully participate in emissions reduction in order to prevent global warming. Developed countries are reluctant to grant the request with the reason that there is technology on the business of investment research has been protected with patents. Therefore, technology transfer business is business dealings with the corporation who have them.

The question now, what technology including environmentally friendly, and all of that business is business?

Technology-friendly environment (eco-friendly-technology) can be summarized as are all types of application technologies that can satisfy users with the resources that the environment is lower. Before ecological awareness arises, people just think the economy. The technology applied is the cheapest from the economic angle, use of natural resources and human resources even though the cheap from the point of ecology may be considered expensive. This is because the economic system are still rare rate environment with a reasonable price. For example, the value of oxygen that we hirup or environmental value of the air we cemari with waste gas? An engine that suck up more oxygen to the work of the same, is ecologically more expensive, although may be economically cheaper. This is because the oxygen is reduced to be used by any other organism - including humans.

In general, technology, environment-friendly technology is the sparing of the environment (includes materials, raw materials, energy and space) and, therefore, is also a little out of waste (whether solid, liquid, gas, noise and radiation) and low risko cause disaster. We will see examples of these technologies focus on the development of national Iptek:


The pattern of consumption is the most vegetarian-friendly environment. Vegetable material from the same, if consumed directly, humans have seven-fold if the nutrition of the vegetable material used to feed livestock that consumed his flesh.

Kitchen modern usage of low energy (eg microwave oven) also is more environmentally friendly. Similarly refrigerator CFC-free. CFC is a destroyer in the atmosphere ozone layer.

Food problem is also closely related to the waste. Food packaging is practical, durable and have advantages in marketing. However much the actual package and not over-friendly environment.

When this waste is the largest sector of the food. Waste processing technology, both in the separation, recycling and demolition is clearly needed when the large volume of waste. But of course better if the waste can be avoided by changing the pattern to the food packaging container re-use. In this case, the technology to destroy waste bioproses can be seen more environmentally friendly than chemical technology.

Biotechnology is expected to include help find superior seeds resistant to pests and drought on the same land can produce more food in a shorter time. However, various transgenic manipulation to create fear apart akan emergence of new species in the long term it is not environmentally friendly.


Solar energy is the energy terramah environment. Compared with a machine dryer, laundry stove in the blazing sun friendly environment, only need to design a practical laundry just does not make an impression and slums. They also heat water for bathing with the water season. If in large numbers and kept the need for solar-collector with tankinya. The technology is simple and cheap, but it could save enough electricity or gas, especially for the hospitality.

With the proper ventilation system, design of buildings we can save lighting and air conditioning. Moreover, if we adjust the style of clothing. In Indonesia, this style of clothing that mimics latah colonizers: to use our official event jacket and tie, then that does not mugginess, we set the AC "sedingin poles", as if we maintain PINGUIN there. We need to look in the mirror with our colleagues peer tropical regions such as Thailand or the Philippines, the duty officer uniform form necked T-shirt!

In Germany and Japan which have high environmental awareness of many eco-house developed that integrate various functions of the home the most. Wall outside berselimut Rambat plants. Layered roof solar panels. Water and air be thought out, such as a water heater room and bath can be used limbahnya used menggelontor feces. Septic-tank produce methan gas that can be used to add energy to the kitchen.

Hospital in Berlin that Germany berselimut plants.

Indicators solar cell on an office in Kobe, Japan. Solar cell to 0.59 KW/m2

Solar panels in the world, the project GAIA in Japan

Previously, nuclear energy was seen as environmentally friendly energy, because it does not produce emissions. However, this opinion has now changed. PLTN mensisakan nuclear materials transportation problems and the final disposal of waste which is very high for berresiko environment.

Which is now encouraged biofuel technology with excellent micro-algae that can potentially produce 58,000 liters of oil / hectare (10x oil palm). Unfortunately the technology is still saved developed countries, although Indonesia is a tropical sea, and many are potentially develop.


Means of transportation is environmentally friendly, of course, is the bicycle! Has been developed bicycle which is very efficient in terms of energy, even with a solar panel to absorb solar energy. Such a bike can be used through a distance of thousands of kilometers.

For a slightly heavier burden on a flat field, and sloppy gig was also environmentally friendly. However, for long-distance giant and burden, of course, electric trains more environmentally friendly. Electricity can be raised at the center of Center Power Water, Hot Earth or the like. Vehicles such as public bus is also more environmentally friendly than private cars. More friendly if you use more electricity baterei. In Switzerland is 20 years old used electric bus with a trailer baterei small, that if approached easily be replaced with empty, full, pending the re-fill the blank.

For individual motorized transportation, electric cars more environmentally friendly than regular cars. The problem, in the capacity baterei save energy at this time was still not as much as gasoline in the same weight. Baterei optimal value of this new use will be achieved if the fuel cell (fuel-cell), where the energy stored in the separated water (electrolysis) to hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen-oxygen reaction will result in energy waste is very large with a water back. However, fuel cell technology is currently still very expensive (the market is not yet eligible).

Currently, the new electric cars are limited in use at the airport or the hospital. However, some car industry has launched a hybrid car (eg Toyota Prios), which berpenggerak electricity and gasoline. When jammed, the engine power to work. At optimal speed, gasoline engine will take over. If slowed, energy gasoline engine is used to fill baterei.

At the simple level, a lot of innovation can also be used in ordinary vehicles. For example, a tool that can be installed to optimize combustion. Race car manufacturer also developed a "3-liter-cars" - cars with 3 liters of gasoline can travel 100 km distance.

The sea also developed a more modern ships, friendly environment, ie, using the engine and mechanical screen at once! This screen can be developed automatically if the wind direction and speed of benefit. The use of wind energy can save fuel up to 50%.

Technology, energy and environment-friendly transport, including that at this time protected by the most advanced industrial countries and therefore the most expensive.

modern ship with mechanical display

Information and Communication

Electronic communications is a very friendly environment if applied correctly. Telecom will reduce the need for transportation, energy efficient means. Information can also be deployed without a paper (paperless) will reduce the number of trees that must ditebang.

Technology of paper recycling efforts also include the environment-friendly in the information sector. In this case, awareness of the living wait for a publisher. If in India, the publishers would compete to use the white paper so impressed lux, overseas industrious developed recycled paper. It seems to print the novel Harry Potter 7, and 32 developed a new type of recycled paper. Publishers in Canada to use recycled paper 100%, while the United States in the new 30%. The efforts have made this edition of the English novel is to save thousands of nearly 200 trees and 8 million kg of greenhouse gases.


Thus, when there is a strong desire, which is actually a lot can be done by the state or society developing countries to make their country more environmentally friendly, without having to wait for mercy or debt transfer technology from developed countries, which is generally attributed some political terms, the terms of the nuances of colonization.

Technology patented by the industry in developed countries also, after 20 years akan habis patennya, and can be imitated and further developed by anyone. Scientists, researchers and engineers developing countries should be more proactive, creative and not pasrah on the situation, or is even proud to be employees or just cheap labor for industry of developed countries.

So not true when all business affairs. Technology transfer problem is a matter of persistence developing countries to seize the technology and the intention to share the country forward.

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